The third center of force, Manipura Chakra, can be found on a subtle level outside of the physical body, underneath the navel.

Its corresponding element is fire (tejas tattva), and when this inner fire is balanced, it grants self-confidence, optimism, perfect health, excellent digestion, and a high energetic level, which allows a person to work hard without tiring easily.  Imbalances in this third chakra include low self-esteem, indecisiveness, oversensitive to criticism, anger and control issues, and aggressiveness.

This third center of force is represented as a lotus with ten petals. The bija mantra for the activation of Manipura Chakra Yoga is “RAM.” 

The practitioner may awaken the fire from the third chakra through the perseverant practice of certain asanas, bandhas, pranayama techniques and/or meditations.

The most powerful Hatha Yogic techniques activating Manipura Chakra are nauli kriya and uddiyana bandha.

As these techniques are dynamic, you cannot use them as support in the meditation on Manipura Chakra that we are about to introduce to you.

Consequently, we suggest another asana activating the third center of force, namely Supta Vajrasana.

Manipura Meditation Technique:

Perform Supta Vajrasana. It is helpful to practice this asana in advance, so that you may relax in this posture without pain for 20-30 minutes. See images and video below for instructions for this pose. Use pillows to support your back if necessary.

Supta Vajrasana for Manipura Chakra Activation

Supta Vajrasana

Maintain this pose without moving, focusing attention on Manipura Chakra, located two widths of a finger beneath the navel.

To enhance activation of Manipura Chakra, you may use either chakra-specific music (like this), or you can mentally repeat the bija mantra.

If choosing to repeat the mantra:
Focus on the area beneath the navel and repeat the mantra, “RAM.” After each repetition of the mantra, relax and listen calmly to the inner echo.

Do not allow other thoughts to disturb your concentration. Repeat the mantra constantly, then listen to its echo in your inner universe.

Perceive the activation of Manipura Chakra; it should come as a state of abandon in front of the Divine will, as an expansion of your aura and as a state of trust and harmony.

See also: 
Manipura the Fire Chakra (Navel)

Muladhara (Root) Chakra Meditation

Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra Meditation

Cover image from Lunarian Art